Monday, 07 September 2020
Time Event
San Francisco Berlin (CEST) Tokyo
05:00-08:30 14:00-17:30 21:00-00:30 Tutorial
Why would you study handwriting?
Dominique Stutzmann (CNRS, France)
Irene Ceccherini (Univ. of Florence, Italy)
Tuesday, 08 September 2020
Time Event
San Francisco Berlin (CEST) Tokyo
05:00-05:20 14:00-14:20 21:00-21:20 Opening Ceremony
05:20-06:15 14:20-15:15 21:20-22:15 Keynote Speech 1
Thomas Deselaers
Online Handwriting Recognition and Beyond
06:15-06:50 15:15-15:50 22:15-22:50 Oral Session 1
Machine Learning 1
06:50-07:00 15:50-16:00 22:50-23:00 Break
07:00-07:50 16:00-16:50 23:00-23:50 Oral Session 2
Document Processing and Retrieval
07:50-08:00 16:50-17:00 23:50-00:00 Break
08:00-08:40 17:00-17:40 00:00-00:40 Oral Session 3
Historical Documents
08:40-09:00 17:40-18:00 00:40-01:00 TC-11 Session
Wednesday, 09 September 2020
Time Event
San Francisco Berlin (CEST) Tokyo
05:00-05:40 14:00-14:40 21:00-21:40 Keynote Speech 2
Alicia Fornés
Recognition of handwritten textual
and graphical documents in the deep learning era
05:40-06:00 14:40-15:00 21:40-22:00 Break
06:00-06:50 15:00-15:50 22:00-22:50 Oral Session 4
Text Recognition and Authentication
06:50-07:00 15:50-16:00 22:50-23:00 Break
07:00-07:40 16:00-16:40 23:00-23:40 Oral Session 5
Machine Learning 2
07:40-08:00 16:40-17:00 23:40-00:00 Break
08:00-08:40 17:00-17:40 00:00-00:40 Panel Discussion
Thursday, 10 September 2020
Time Event
San Francisco Berlin (CEST) Tokyo
05:00-05:50 14:00-14:50 21:00-21:50 Competitions
Parallel Sessions
Virtual Sponsor’s Booth
05:50-06:00 14:50-15:00 21:50-22:00 Break
06:00-06:40 15:00-15:40 22:00-22:40 Keynote Speech 3
Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra
Computational Document Analysis:
New and Open Questions from a Pragmatic Perspective
06:40-07:00 15:40-16:00 22:40-23:00 Break
07:00-07:40 16:00-16:40 23:00-23:40 Oral Session 6
Mathematics and Music Recognition
07:40-08:00 16:40-17:00 23:40-00:00 Break
08:00-08:40 17:00-17:40 00:00-00:40 Awards and Closing

Oral Session-1: Machine Learning 1

Date Tuesday, 08 September 2020
Time San Francisco: 06:15-06:50 / Berlin (CEST): 15:15-15:50 / Tokyo: 22:15-22:50

  1. SRR-GAN: Super-Resolution based Recognition with GAN for Low-Resolved Text Images
  2. Ming-Chao Xu, Fei Yin and Cheng-Lin Liu
  3. Air-Writing Recognition using Deep Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Network Architectures
  4. Grigoris Bastas, Kosmas Kritsis and Vassilis Katsouros
  5. Improving the robustness of LSTMs for word classification using stressed word endings in dual-state word-beam search
  6. Mahya Ameryan and Lambert Schomaker
  7. Recurrence-free unconstrained handwritten text recognition using gated fully convolutional network
  8. Denis Coquenet, Clément Chatelain and Thierry Paquet
  9. Improving offline HTR in small datasets by purging unreliable labels
  10. José Carlos Aradillas, Juan José Murillo-Fuentes and Pablo M. Olmos

Oral Session-2: Document Processing and Retrieval

Date Tuesday, 08 September 2020
Time San Francisco: 07:00-07:50 / Berlin (CEST): 16:00-16:50 / Tokyo: 23:00-23:50

  1. Joint Layout Analysis, Character Detection and Recognition for Historical Document Digitization
  2. Weihong Ma, Hesuo Zhang, Lianwen Jin, Sihang Wu, Jiapeng Wang and Yongpan Wang
  3. Skeletal Similarity based Structural Performance Evaluation for Document Binarization
  4. Augusto Cesar Monteiro Silva, Xiaoyi Jiang and Nina Hirata
  5. Towards Query-by-eXpression Retrieval of Cuneiform Signs
  6. Eugen Rusakov, Gernot A. Fink, Turna Somel and Gerfrid G. W. Müller
  7. Bootstrapping Weakly Supervised Segmentation-free Word Spotting through HMM-based Alignment
  8. Tomas Wilkinson and Carl Nettelblad
  9. Identifying and Tackling Key Challenges in Semantic Word Spotting
  10. Oliver Tüselmann, Fabian Wolf and Gernot A. Fink
  11. Improving Handwritten Word Synthesis for Annotation-free Word Spotting
  12. Fabian Wolf, Kai Brandenbusch and Gernot A. Fink

Oral Session-3: Historical Documents

Date Tuesday, 08 September 2020
Time San Francisco: 08:00-08:40 / Berlin (CEST): 17:00-17:40 / Tokyo: 00:00-00:40

  1. The “ScribbleLens” Dutch Historical Handwriting Corpus
  2. Hans Dolfing, Jerome Bellegarda, Jan Chorowski, Ricard Marxer and Antoine Laurent
  3. Data Augmentation and Text Recognition on Khmer Historical Manuscripts
  4. Dona Valy, Michel Verleysen and Sophea Chhun
  5. A comparison of sequential and combined approaches for named entity recognition in a corpus of handwritten medieval charters
  6. Christopher Kermorvant, Emanuela Boros, Veronica Romero, Martin Maarand, Kateřina Zenklová, Jitka Křečková, Enrique Vidal and Dominique Stutzmann
  7. The Carabela Project and Manuscript Collection: Large-Scale Probabilistic Indexing and Content-based Classification
  8. Carlos Alonso, Jose Miguel Benedí, Vicente Bosch Campos, Francisco Casacuberta, Carmen García,
  9. Lourdes Márquez Carmona, M. Carmen Orcero, Moisés Pastor, Jose Ramon Prieto, Lorenzo Quirós, Verónica Romero,
  10. Joan Andreu Sanchez, Alejandro Toselli and Enrique Vidal
  11. docExtractor: An off-the-shelf historical document element extraction
  12. Tom Monnier and Mathieu Aubry
  13. Recognizing Japanese Historical Cursive with Pseudo-Labeling-aided CRNN as an Application of Semi-Supervised Learning to Sequence Labeling
  14. Ayumu Nagai

Oral Session-4: Text Recognition and Authentication

Date Wednesday, 09 September 2020
Time San Francisco: 06:00-06:50 / Berlin (CEST): 15:00-15:50 / Tokyo: 22:00-22:50

  1. Handwriting Prediction Considering Inter-Class Bifurcation Structures
  2. Masaki Yamagata, Hideaki Hayashi and Seiichi Uchida
  3. What is the Reward for Handwriting? — Handwriting Generation by Imitation Learning
  4. Keisuke Kanda, Brian Kenji Iwana and Seiichi Uchida
  5. Dynamic Handwriting Analysis for Parkinson’s Disease Identification using C-BiGRU Model
  6. Momina Moetesum, Imran Siddiqi, Farah Javed and Uzma Masroor
  7. A Deep Learning Framework with Histogram Features for Online Writer Identification
  8. Sounak Ray, Addrish Roy and Suresh Sundaram
  9. A Semantic Segmentation-based Method for Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
  10. Kha Cong Nguyen, Cuong Tuan Nguyen and Masaki Nakagawa
  11. A Study of BPE-based Language Modeling for Open Vocabulary Latin Language OCR
  12. Wenping Hu, Yikang Luo, Ji Meng, Zifei Qian and Qiang Huo

Oral Session-5: Machine Learning 2

Date Wednesday, 09 September 2020
Time San Francisco: 07:00-07:40 / Berlin (CEST): 16:00-16:40 / Tokyo: 23:00-23:40

  1. Distilling Content from Style for Handwritten Word Recognition
  2. Lei Kang, Pau Riba, Marçal Rusiñol, Alicia Fornés and Mauricio Villegas
  3. Two Semi-Supervised Training Approaches for Automated Text Recognition
  4. Gundram Leifert, Roger Labahn and Joan Andreu Sánchez
  5. Improving Handwritten OCR with Augmented Text Line Images Synthesized from Online Handwriting Samples by Style-Conditioned GAN
  6. Mingyang Guan, Haisong Ding, Kai Chen and Qiang Huo
  7. Weakly Supervised Learning for Over-Segmentation Based Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
  8. Zhen-Xing Wang, Qiu-Feng Wang, Fei Yin and Cheng-Lin Liu
  9. Attention Augmented Convolutional Recurrent Network for Handwritten Japanese Text Recognition
  10. Nam Tuan Ly, Cuong Tuan Nguyen and Masaki Nakagawa
  11. An attention based method for offline handwritten Urdu text recognition
  12. Tayaba Anjum and Nazar Amin Khan

Oral Session-6: Mathematics and Music Recognition

Date Thursday, 10 September 2020
Time San Francisco: 07:00-07:40 / Berlin (CEST): 16:00-16:40 / Tokyo: 23:00-23:40

  1. Improving Attention-Based Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition with Scale Augmentation and Drop Attention
  2. Zhe Li, Lianwen Jin, Songxuan Lai and Yecheng Zhu
  3. Improvement of end-to-end offline handwritten mathematical expression recognition by weakly supervised learning
  4. Thanh-Nghia Truong, Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Khanh Minh Phan and Masaki Nakagawa
  5. Lyrics Recognition and Syllable Assignment of Medieval Music Manuscripts
  6. Christoph Wick, Alexander Hartelt and Frank Puppe
  7. Exploring the two-dimensional nature of music notation for score recognition with end-to-end approaches
  8. Antonio Ríos, Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza and Jose M. Iñesta
  9. Handwritten Music Recognition Improvement through Language Model Re-interpretation for Mensural Notation
  10. Manuel Villarreal and Joan Andreu Sánchez
  11. Handwritten Historical Music Recognition by Sequence-to-Sequence with Attention Mechanism
  12. Arnau Baró, Alicia Fornés and Carles Badal


Date Thursday, 10 September 2020
Time San Francisco: 05:00-05:50 / Berlin (CEST): 14:00-14:50 / Tokyo: 21:00-21:50

  1. ICFHR 2020 Competition on Offline Recognition and Spotting of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions – OffRaSHME
  2. Da-Han Wang, Fei Yin, Jin-Wen Wu, Yu-Pei Yan, Zhi-Cai Huang, Gui-Yun Chen, Yao Wang and Cheng-Lin Liu
  3. ICFHR 2020 Competition on Image Retrieval for Historical Handwritten Fragments
  4. Mathias Seuret, Anguelos Nicolaou, Dominique Stutzmann, Andreas Maier and Vincent Christlein
  5. ICFHR 2020 Competition on Short answer ASsessment and Thai student SIGnature and Name COMponents Recognition and Verification (SASIGCOM 2020)
  6. Abhijit Das, Hemmaphan Suwanwiwat, Umapada Pal and Michael Blumenstein


  1. The HHD Dataset
  2. Irina Rabaev, Berat Kurar Barakat, Alexander Churkin and Jihad El-Sana
  3. Towards Accurate Identification and Removal of Shirorekha from Off-line Handwritten Devanagari word Documents
  4. Mohammad Idrees Bhat, B. Sharada, Sk Md Obaidullah and Mohammad Imran
  5. Unsupervised Deep Learning for Handwritten Page Segmentation
  6. Ahmad Droby, Berat Kurar, Boraq Madi, Reem Alaasam and Jihad El-Sana
  7. Period Classification of 3D Cuneiform Tablets with Geometric Neural Networks
  8. Bartosz Bogacz and Hubert Mara
  9. Exploring the Impact of Handwriting Recognition on the Automated Scoring of Handwritten Student Answers
  10. Christian Gold and Torsten Zesch
  11. Text Content Based Layout Analysis
  12. José Ramón Prieto Fontcuberta, Vicente Bosch Campos, Enrique Vidal, Dominique Stutzmann and Sébastien Hamel
  13. Collection of Online and Offline Handwritten Japanese Characters and Handwriting Classification Using the Data
  14. Yoko Seki
  15. Integrating Writing Dynamics in CNN for Online Children Handwriting Recognition
  16. Simon Corbillé, Elisa Fromont, Éric Anquetil and Pauline Nerdeux
  17. Spatio-temporal Clustering for Grouping in Online Handwriting Document Layout Analysis with GRU-RNN
  18. Serhii Polotskyi, Illya Degtyarenko, Ivan Deriuga and Olga Radyvonenko
  19. Point-to-Set Similarity Based Deep Metric Learning for Offline Signature Verification
  20. Yecheng Zhu, Songxuan Lai, Zhe Li and Lianwen Jin
  21. Attention Combination of Sequence Models for Handwritten Chinese Text Recognition
  22. Zheng-Yu Zhu, Fei Yin and Da-Han Wang
  23. Digitizing Handwriting with a Sensor Pen: A Writer-Independent Recognizer
  24. Mohamad Wehbi, Tim Hamann, Jens Barth and Bjoern Eskofier
  25. Robust Handwriting Recognition with Limited and Noisy Data
  26. Hai Pham, Amrith Setlur, Saket Dingliwal, Kang Huang, Tzu-Hsiang Lin, Zhuo Li, Jae Lim, Collin McCormack, Tam Vu and Barnabas Poczos
  27. A Siamese Network-based Approach For Matching Various Sizes Of Excavated Wooden Fragments
  28. Trung Tan Ngo, Cuong Tuan Nguyen and Masaki Nakagawa
  29. A Modular Region and Text Line Layout Analysis System
  30. Benjamin Kiessling
  31. Online Signature Verification using Time Warp Edit Distance based kernel
  32. Suresh Sundaram, Sarojit Auddya and Rajat Kumar Singh
  33. Extension of a bi-dimensional grammar for online interpretation of structured documents: application on architecture plans and geometry domains
  34. Omar Krichen, Nathalie Girard and Éric Anquetil
  35. Muscle activation profiles based on the proportionality hypothesis of the Kinematic Theory of Human Movements
  36. Ben Braithwaite, Réjean Plamondon and Mickaël Bégon
  37. Graph Edit Distance for the analysis of children’s on-line handwritten arithmetical operations
  38. Arnaud Lods, Éric Anquetil and Sébastien Macé
  39. Handwritten Chinese Characters Recognition Using Two-Stage Hierarchical Convolutional Neural Network
  40. Nina Aleskerova and Aleksei Zhuravlev
  41. Unconstrained Handwritten Arabic Text-lines Segmentation based on AR2U-Net
  42. Takwa Ben Aicha and Afef Kacem
  43. Online Handwritten Mathematical Symbol Segmentation and Recognition with Bidirectional Context
  44. Cuong Tuan Nguyen, Thanh-Nghia Truong, Huy Quang Ung and Masaki Nakagawa
  45. Transcription Alignment for Highly Fragmentary Historical Manuscripts: The Dead Sea Scrolls
  46. Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Brown-Devost Bronson, Nachum Dershowitz, Alexey Pechorin and Benjamin Kiessling
  47. Signatures’ stability evaluation in a multi-device scenario
  48. Donato Impedovo, Giuseppe Pirlo and Lucia Sarcinella
  49. Attention based Writer Independent Verification
  50. Mohammad Abuzar Shaikh, Mihir Chauhan, Tiehang Duan and Sargur Srihari